Locksmith Services
If you are looking for locksmith near you then we are here for you.
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(984) 268-1414
Get reliable & affordable auto services for your facility with a satisfaction guaranteed!
As our name suggests, we are an express emergency locksmith company. We assist clients from all over North Carolina with locksmith concerns that require immediate attention. If you are ever stuck in an emergency situation and feel as if you have no one to call for the rescue then you might be in luck, because The Express Locksmith are the right people to come to the aid. We know exactly what to do in events of an locksmith emergency situation, as we have many years of experience in the field.

Automotive Services
The Express Locksmith, specializing in the replacement of factory keys and remotes offers the most complete automotive locksmith service. Providing our customers a fast and dependable service it is also affordable and professional.
- Replacing all types of automotive locks (Ignition)
- Re-keying all locks
- Car Lockout (Opening vehicles)
- Dealer keys
- Replacing lost transponder car keys.
- Duplicate car keys.

Commercial Services
The Express Locksmith offers a wide range of commercial services. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, The Express Locksmith can handle all your commercial security needs. No job is too big or too small.
- free security consultation
- new lock installations
- Lock repairs / replacements / upgrades
- Lock rekey and master key systems
- emergency building lockouts
- electric strikes
- access control
- desk / cabinet / file locks
- cabinet locks
- mail box locks
- high security locksets
- door closers
- Door break-in repairs
- mortise cylinders install
- safe opening / recombination Lock

Residential Services
At The Express Locksmith your home’s security is our top priority. Whether you’ve just moved in or have misplaced a set of keys, you can rest easy that your home is secure by having Express Locksmith provide you with your residential service needs.
- Security consultation
- new Lock set installations
- Lock repairs / replacements / upgrades
- Lock rekey and master key systems
- emergency House lockouts
- electric strikes
- access control
- cabinet locks
- mail box locks
- high security locksets
- door closers
- Doors break-in repairs

Key Lock Services
Express Locksmith offers the most secure, simple, and social way to manage your home’s locks. Now you can control who can enter and who can’t without the need for keys or codes. And you can do it all from your smartphone or computer.
No car key? We will replace your car key and program your car’s remote!
We are a top quality, professional mobile locksmith service based in the Raleigh Durham. Call us and we will promptly dispatch a locksmith near you.